Sciatica and Arthritis

Sciatica and Arthritis services offered in Sacramento, CA

If you have ongoing pain due to sciatica and arthritis, see the specialists at Greenhaven Family Practice in Sacramento, California. Osteopathic medicine physician Scarlett Lu, DO, diagnoses and treats these often-painful conditions to ease discomfort and reduce your risk of complications. Call the office to schedule an evaluation today.

Sciatica and Arthritis Q&A

What are sciatica and arthritis?

Sciatica and arthritis are two medical conditions characterized by severe or ongoing discomfort.



Sciatica often feels like radiating or electric shock-like pain caused by pressure on your sciatic nerve. This nerve extends from your lower back to your hips, buttocks, and down each of your legs. 



Arthritis is a chronic disease that affects your joints. It often causes pain, stiffness, swelling, decreased range of motion, and even disability when left untreated.

What can cause sciatic and arthritis?

The causes of sciatica and arthritis aren’t always known, but the following may increase your risk of developing one or both of these conditions:

  • Aging
  • Family history of sciatica and arthritis
  • Carrying excess body weight
  • Having a physically demanding job
  • Repetitive motions
  • Prolonged sitting
  • Diabetes 
  • Previous injuries

Ways to reduce your chances of developing sciatica and arthritis pain include adopting healthy habits, such as eating nutritious foods, regularly exercising, and maintaining an ideal weight. Avoid repetitive motions, prolonged sitting, and using poor form when lifting heavy objects.

How does my doctor diagnose sciatica and arthritis?

To find out if you have sciatica and arthritis, Dr. Lu reviews your medical history, symptoms, and lifestyle habits. She discusses your medication regimen, checks your vital signs, and completes a physical exam. 

You might need a blood test, urine testing, joint fluid tests, nerve testing, or an imaging procedure to determine which condition you might have, its severity, and how to treat it effectively. 

How are sciatica and arthritis treated?

Greenhaven Family Practice focuses on holistic treatments for sciatica and arthritis pain. Dr. Lu tailors each treatment to your specific needs. She may recommend diet and exercise changes, dietary supplements, physical therapy, massage, or osteopathic manipulative treatment. 

In severe cases, you might need joint injections, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment, medications, or surgery. However, conservative treatments are often effective in reducing pain and your risk of complications.

Dr. Lu follows up with you to ensure your treatment is effective, and she’s always available to answer questions.

To get treated for sciatica and arthritis pain, call Greenhaven Family Practice office today.